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CCPPP executive recommends exclusively virtual interviews for the 2021/22 internship cycle and beyond

May 05, 2021 10:26 AM | Susan Vandermorris

We recently shared summaries of applicant and training director feedback re the 2021 virtual interview cycle. Overall impressions were largely positive, and the majority of respondents indicated support for continuing with virtual interviews in the coming year.

The relative success of the recent interview cycle, considered alongside the benefits of minimizing stress and financial costs to applicants, invites a standing change in practice to virtual internship interviews.  Past feedback from our membership and students has indicated strong support for making virtual interviews "required" as opposed to "preferred," as a means to avoid potential equity problems that may arise if sites permit on-site visits for local candidates.

In light of this, the CCPPP executive is strongly recommending that internship sites offer exclusively virtual interviews for upcoming application cycles.

Members with questions or feedback about this recommendation are encouraged to participate in the discussion (login required) board thread on this topic, or email any member of the executive directly.

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