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  • September 12, 2024 7:57 PM | Diane LaChapelle (Administrator)

    October 11, 2024 (12-2pm, EST)

    Title: Supporting Autistic Adults

    Speaker: Drs. Casey Fulford & Vicki Nolan

    Abstract: The presentation will provide an overview of the diagnostic criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder and the effect of these traits in various areas of psychosocial functioning. There will be discussion of the complex behavioural presentation of Autistic adults, including strengths and areas of need. Finally, we will discuss interdisciplinary supports for Autistic adults and how to adapt practices to best support their needs.

    Speaker Bio: Dr. Vicki Nolan (she/her) is a Clinical Psychologist and Psychology Lead at The Redpath Centre where she provides diagnostic and psychoeducational assessments for adults. She has expertise with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual Developmental Disorder, Learning Disabilities, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, and mental health concerns. Dr. Nolan is also a Psychologist in the Child Development Program and Director of Clinical Training for the Psychology Pre-doctoral Residency program at Holland Bloorview. There, she provides diagnostic assessments to children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders.

    Dr. Casey Fulford (she/her) is a Clinical Psychologist at The Redpath Centre where she provides diagnostic and psychoeducational assessments and therapy for adults. She has expertise working with individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual Disability, Learning Disabilities, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, and mental health concerns. Dr. Fulford also works in the Adult Program at Surrey Place Centre in Toronto, where she provides diagnostic and comprehensive assessments and therapy for adults with neurodevelopmental disorders. Dr. Fulford also has experience supporting children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders and mental health concerns.

    Registration link:


    February 7, 2025 (12-2pm EST)

    Title: Addressing Clients’ Sexual Concerns

     Speaker: Dr. Sandra Byers

    Abstract: Most clinicians have clients who raise sexual concerns. Thus, it is important that all clinical psychologists, not just those who identify themselves as providing sex therapy, are willing and able to respond to their clients’ sexual concerns. Yet, most clinical psychologists have little training in this area and, as a result, have low self-efficacy for assessing and/or helping clients address these concerns and are likely to refer rather than treat these clients. This training seminar is designed as a first step towards enhancing psychologists’ knowledge, comfort, and self-efficacy in assessing and addressing their clients’ sexual concerns.

    Speaker Bio: E. Sandra Byers, Ph.D., L. Psyc. is a recently retired Professor from Department of Psychology at University of New Brunswick in Fredericton, New Brunswick, and a Research Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. She is also a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who has a part-time private practice primarily aimed at helping people with their sexual concerns and has delivered more than 50 clinical workshops to a wide range of groups. She is the author or co-author of more than 200 journal articles and book chapters mostly on aspects of human sexuality as well as of a popular undergraduate textbook on human sexuality. She is a past-president of the International Academy of Sex Research and the Canadian Sex Research Forum, a fellow of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality and the Canadian Psychological Association, and on the editorial boards of a number of scholarly journals. She has won numerous awards for her contributions to research, teaching, leadership, service, and clinical practice in the area of human sexuality including the: Muriel McQueen Fergusson Foundation Award for outstanding achievements that have further advanced the elimination of family violence in 2001; Donald O. Hebb Award for Distinguished Contribution to Psychology as a Profession from the Canadian Psychological Association in 2010; Kinsey Award for outstanding contributions to the field of sex research, sex therapy, or sexology from the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality in 2013; Outstanding Contribution Award from the Canadian Sex Research Forum in 2018; the Masters and Johnson Award from the Society for Sex Research and Therapy in 2020; and, most recently, the President’s Medal from the University of New Brunswick.

    Registration link:


    May 9, 2025 (12-2pm EST)

    Title: Climate Justice, Ethics and Advocacy in Canadian Psychology

    Speaker: Dr. Carolyn Houlding

    Abstract: Actively addressing climate justice within a professional role is consistent with the Canadian Code of Ethics 4th Ed and the 6th Ed CPA Accreditation Standards, which identifies human rights and social justice as foundational values and advocacy and leadership as professional competencies. Practical suggestions and examples of operationalizing climate justice advocacy in clinical, training and research contexts will be presented.

    Speaker Bio: Dr. Houlding, C.Psych. is a registered clinical psychologist and is currently the Director of Training for the Waypoint Psychology Residency Program. She works in clinical, research and training capacities at Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care and at the Waypoint Research Institute. Dr. Houlding grew up in Australia, later lived in the UK and ultimately moved to Canada with her family. She is actively involved in climate advocacy, including in a professional capacity.

     Registration link:


  • July 26, 2024 12:48 PM | Diane LaChapelle (Administrator)

    Registration is now available for the

    CCPPP Virtual Open House for 2025/26 Applicants

    Students Register HERE

    Residency Directors log into the members only section to register HERE

    Event Details

    Date : Friday September 20, 2024

    Time: 9-11 PST | 10-1 MST | 11 – 1 CST | 12-2 EST | 1-3 AST | 1:30-:30 NDT

    Platform: Zoom

    Format: This “drop in” open house allows interested applicants to join/depart various Zoom rooms hosted by Canadian Residency Programs. Students can come and go from the rooms at any point to ask questions, listen to the conversation, etc. Training Directors can provide program updates, answer questions, and clarify details.

    Who can attend? The event is open to all students applying for residency in the current application cycle and all Residency Programs offering placements in 2025-2026.

    A confirmed list of participating residency programs will be sent to registrants after September 13th

  • July 17, 2024 2:25 PM | Diane LaChapelle (Administrator)

    Slides from the 2024 Preconvention Workshop: Reconciliation Promotion in the Professional Practice of Psychology are now posted here

    A huge thank you to our presenters, Dr. Joshua Madsen, Dr. Melanie Nelson, and Dr. Natasha Wawrykow for the fabulous work and knowledge they shared with our training community.

    Also, a special shout out to Indigenous Artist, Natalie Sappier, whose artwork was gifted to our presenters to thank them for leading us through this workshop (

  • June 12, 2024 12:25 PM | Diane LaChapelle (Administrator)

    The agenda and associated materials for the 2024 CCPPP AGM are now available in the members only section of the website (log-in required).

  • March 19, 2024 6:12 PM | Diane LaChapelle (Administrator)

    Come join our exciting team!

    For all the juicy details click here. (log in required)

  • March 09, 2024 5:35 AM | Diane LaChapelle (Administrator)

    CCPPP Pre-Convention Workshop Details & Meeting Information

    Thursday June 20th, 2024

    Join us the day before the CPA Convention kicks off for arguably, one of the most important series of fortunate events and meetings you will attend as a CCPPP Member Program. Reconciliation Promotion in the Professional Practice of Psychology

    Presented by:
    Dr. Natasha Wawrykow
    Dr. Melanie Nelson
    Dr. Joshua Madsen

    8:30 -9 am: Arrival and Breakfast
    9 am - 12 noon: Workshop
    12 noon-1 pm: Lunch (included with workshop registration)
    1-3 pm: Annual General Meeting
    3-5 pm: Town Hall

    Register for the CCPPP ½ day workshop and CPA convention

    Register only for the CCPPP ½ day workshop

    Residency Fair Details

    If you are coming to the Canadian Psychological Association’s convention and you wish to set up table at the joint CPA / CCPPP Residency Information Session and Fair (happening Friday June 21 at 11:30 – 13:00 EST in the Governor General Ballroom II – 4th floor), please click on this link:

    FYI - The fair will be held in the same room as the as the information session for graduate students!

  • October 26, 2023 3:26 PM | Diane LaChapelle (Administrator)

    Communiqué de presse concernant le processus canadien de notification en deux étapes

    Le 26 octobre 2023 – Les trois derniers cycles d’entrevues se sont tous déroulés de manière virtuelle et ce passage à des entrevues virtuelles deviendra permanent. C’est pourquoi le conseil de direction du CCPPP a discuté de l’abandon du processus de notification en deux étapes pour les programmes canadiens, qui avait été conçu à l’origine pour donner aux candidats le temps de planifier leur déplacement entre les villes du Canada afin de participer à des entrevues en personne.  

    En juillet 2023, le conseil d’administration de l’APPIC a annoncé que les programmes membres (y compris les programmes de résidence canadiens) ont accès à un outil de planification des entrevues et recommande fortement de recourir au module de planification des entrevues des NMS (National Match Services) lors du processus de jumelage de l’APPIC de 2024. Le module de planification est destiné à faciliter le choix d’une date d’entrevue et a été bien accueilli par les étudiants et les directeurs de la formation lorsqu’il a été mis à l’essai lors du dernier cycle de recrutement. Le conseil d’administration de l’APPIC espère qu’il allégera la charge de travail liée à la planification de multiples entrevues pour plusieurs personnes dans un très court laps de temps. Pour prendre connaissance des commentaires des participants du programme pilote de l’APPIC, veuillez suivre les liens à la fin du présent communiqué. 

    Depuis l’appel communautaire du lundi 16 octobre avec les National Matching Services, au cours duquel ces derniers ont fait la démonstration de l’outil de planification des entrevues, nous avons été informés que le milieu de la formation avait demandé des clarifications au comité de direction du CCPPP concernant l’impact de cet outil sur le processus canadien de notification en deux étapes mentionné plus haut, et actuellement approuvé. Nous avons également appris que de nombreux directeurs des programmes de résidence canadiens ont adopté le module de planification des entrevues des NMS pour ce cycle, et que certains n’ont pas encore pris de décision. 

    Nous avons examiné attentivement cette option supplémentaire pour la planification des entrevues en rapport avec notre processus de notification précédent et nous ajoutons les ajustements suivants à nos recommandations pour le processus de jumelage de l’APPIC de 2024. Nous restons conscients du fait que tous les programmes sont libres de choisir de suivre ou non ces recommandations.

    Recommandation du CCPPP (révisée) pour le processus de jumelage de l’APPIC de 2024 :

    Nous recommandons que TOUS les programmes de résidence canadiens avisent les candidats, le vendredi 1er décembre 2023 à 11 h HNE, de leur intention ou non de les inviter à une entrevue, et qu’ils puissent commencer à organiser des entrevues à ce moment-là. Les programmes n’auront PAS besoin d’attendre le lundi suivant pour planifier les entrevues.

    Nous comprenons que certains programmes ont déjà annoncé leur intention de suivre le « processus canadien de notification en deux étapes » dans leurs documents et brochures. Par conséquent, nous demandons aux directeurs de la formation clinique de transmettre le message à leurs étudiants qui participent au jumelage de l’APPIC de 2023 que tous les programmes de résidence qui ont déjà annoncé qu’ils suivraient le processus canadien de notification en deux étapes du comité de direction du CCPPP ont été avisés qu’ils pouvaient commencer à planifier les entrevues le vendredi s’ils le désiraient. Nous conseillons aux candidats d’être très attentifs aux instructions et aux informations contenues dans toute communication des programmes de résidence concernant la planification des entrevues, afin de vérifier si les programmes commenceront à organiser les entrevues immédiatement après la notification du vendredi ou non et/ou s’ils adopteront ou non le module de planification des entrevues des NMS au cours du présent cycle.

    Remarque : étant donné que les entrevues virtuelles sont désormais la règle, le comité de direction du CCPPP continuera à recommander une seule journée de notification des entrevues à l’avenir (c’est-à-dire pour les cycles futurs). Cette journée restera le premier vendredi de décembre et, compte tenu des différents fuseaux horaires, nous continuerons à demander respectueusement à tous les programmes de résidence canadiens d’attendre jusqu’à 11 heures (heure de l’Est) pour envoyer leurs notifications d’entrevues. 

    Bien entendu, au cours de la saison des entrevues, toujours très chargée, nous vous encourageons à lire les communiqués envoyés par le coordonnateur des jumelages de l’APPIC, à visiter le site Web des NMS mentionné ci-dessous, le site Web de l’APPIC, ainsi que notre propre site Web et le portail réservé aux membres pour obtenir les informations les plus récentes.  


    Pour plus d’informations, veuillez consulter les ressources/références supplémentaires que voici :

    Consultez le site Web des National Match Services pour lire l’avis du 26 juillet de l’APPIC ainsi que pour visionner l’appel communautaire de l’APPIC qui a eu lieu récemment, le 16 octobre, de concert avec les National Match Services :


    Le calendrier de localisation des entrevues du CCPPP, ainsi que les dates auxquelles vos programmes de résidence se sont inscrits, peut être consulté ici :

    Des informations sur le programme pilote de module de planification des entrevues peuvent être consultées, les diapositives 62 à 69 étant particulièrement pertinentes.  


  • October 26, 2023 3:25 PM | Diane LaChapelle (Administrator)

    Information Update Regarding the Canadian Universal Two Step Notification Process

    October 26, 2023 – The last three interview cycles have all been virtual and this shift to providing virtual interviews will continue on a permanent basis moving forward.  As such, the CCPPP Executive has been in discussions about discontinuing the Canadian Universal Two Step Notification Process, which was originally developed to allow applicants time to plan out their physical travel between cities across Canada for attending in person interviews.  

    In July of 2023, The APPIC Board announced that availability of an interviewer scheduler for their member programs (which include Canadian Residency Programs) and are strongly recommending the use of the NMS (National Match Service) Interview Scheduler for the 2024 APPIC Match.  The scheduler is intended to facilitate the identification of an interview date and was well-received by both students and training directors when it was piloted during the last recruitment cycle.   The APPIC Board is hopeful that it will ease the burden that comes from the task of scheduling multiple people into multiple interviews in a very short period of time.  For more information about the APPIC pilot feedback, please follow the links at the end of this announcement. 

    Since the community call on Monday October 16th with National Matching Services in which they demonstrated the use of the NMS Interview Scheduler, we have heard from the larger training community seeking clarification from the CCPPP Executive regarding how this would impact our currently-endorsed Canadian Universal Two Step Notification Process referenced above.  We have also learned that many Canadian Residency Directors are adopting the use of the NMS Interview  Scheduler for this cycle, and some have not made a decision yet. 

    We have carefully considered this additional option for scheduling interviews in relation to our previous notification process and are making the following adjustments to our recommendations for the 2024 APPIC Match. We remain respectful that all programs have autonomy of choice in whether they opt to follow these recommendations.

    CCPPP (Revised) Recommendation for the 2024 APPIC Match:

    We recommend that ALL Canadian Residency Programs notify applicants of their interview status on Friday December 1, 2023 at 11am EST and may commence booking interviews at that time.   Programs will NOT need to wait until the following Monday to schedule interviews.  

    We understand that some programs have already advertised the intention to follow the “The Canadian Universal Two Step Notification Process” in their program materials and brochures. As such, we ask that Academic Directors of Clinical Training relay the message to their students who are participating in the 2023 APPIC Match that any residency programs who have previously advertised adherence to the CCPPP Executive Canadian Universal Two-Step Notification process have been advised to begin scheduling interviews on the Friday should they wish.  We advise applicants to pay close attention to the instructions and information in any communication from residency programs related to interview scheduling, to ascertain whether programs will begin booking interviews immediately following notification on Friday or not, and/or will be adopting the NMS Interview Scheduler this cycle or not.

    Please note:  Due to the permanent shift to virtual interviews only the CCPPP Executive will continue to recommend a single Universal Interview Notification Day moving forward (i.e., future cycles).  This day will continue to be on the First Friday in December and in consideration of the various time zones, we will continue to respectfully ask all Canadian Residency Programs to wait until 11am EST to ‘go live’ with their interview notifications. 

    As always, during this busy interview cycle season, we encourage you to read the Late Breaking News Updates sent out by the APPIC Match Coordinator, visit the NMS website referenced below, the APPIC website, and our own CCPPP website and members only portal for the most up to date information.  


    Please see these additional resources / references for further information:

    Check out the National Match Service website to read APPIC’s July 26th notice as well as watch the APPIC Community Call that recently occurred on October 16 in conjunction with the National Match Service:


    The CCPPP Interview Regionalization Schedule with the associated dates your residency programs signed up for can be accessed here:

    Information about the NMS Interview Scheduler Pilot program can be accessed with particular attention to be paid to slides 62-69.  


  • September 29, 2023 2:25 PM | Diane LaChapelle (Administrator)

    Topics, dates, and registration links for this year's National Training Seminar Series have been posted!!

  • September 11, 2023 9:02 AM | Diane LaChapelle (Administrator)

    Attention Students Applying to Canadian Psychology Residency Programs in the Upcoming Cycle: 

    Thinking about your final list of residency program's you are applying to for your residency year?  Wishing you had a bit more information from a program to ensure the program is a good fit for your goals?  

    Register now for the inaugural CCPPP Virtual Open House for 2024/25 Residency Applicants!

    Students applying to Canadian residency programs in the upcoming cycle are encouraged to register for this free opportunity to meet with residency directors, learn about available training opportunities, and ask questions. 

    About the Virtual Open House:

    Date: Friday September 29, 2023

    Time: 12:00 EST – 2:00 EST

    Platform: Zoom.

    Format: This open house will be a “drop in” format – where interested applicants can join/depart the various breakout rooms at any point to ask questions, listen to the conversation, etc.

    RSVP deadline: September 15

    Confirmed list of participating residency programs sent to applicants: September 20

    Students/Applicants (restricted to this year’s applicants ONLY): To sign up to attend the Virtual Open House– complete this Google Form.

    Hope to see you there!

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