Latest updates

  • December 02, 2020 3:34 PM | Susan Vandermorris (Administrator)

    The CCPPP reminds members that, given the positive feedback from students and members alike, we continue to recommend a voluntary 2-step interview notification and booking system.

    Below are the dates approved by our membership at our June 2020 AGM:

    Friday, December 4, 2020 - Universal NOTIFICATION Date

    That is, all applicants applying at Canadian Internship Sites will be informed of their interview status on this day but no interviews will be booked until the following Monday.

    Monday, December 7, 2020 - Universal RESPONSE/BOOKING date

    This is the date applicants can begin contacting sites who have offered them interviews. Specifically, that means student can start booking their interviews with their internship sites at 11:00 am EST on Monday, December 7, 2020.

  • November 16, 2020 11:33 AM | Susan Vandermorris (Administrator)

    The Canadian Council of Professional Psychology Programs (CCPPP) executive is seeking nominations for our annual Awards for Excellence in Professional Training ( Please consider nominating your amazing colleagues and/or mentors for their outstanding contributions to the professional psychology training of graduate students/interns by December 31, 2020!

    Contributions can include teaching in the area of professional psychology, supervision in practica and internships, development of textbooks on professional training, administrative mentorship, citizenship within the larger training environment, and the development of innovative programs for professional training of graduate students/interns. It is not necessary that a recipient of the award excel in more than one of those areas of professional training. Past award recipients have often made multiple contributions over a period of time. Only psychologists who are members of internship sites or university programs that are CCPPP members are eligible for the award. Nominations may be made, though, by any graduate student(s)/interns(s) in psychology who has received or is currently receiving training from an eligible psychologist, or by any psychologist(s) in a CCPPP program.

    Full details on the award and nomination process can be found on the CCPPP website at

    Nominations should be sent to Sara Hagstrom at by December 31, 2020.

    These should include a nomination letter containing information about the basis of the experience the nominator has had with the nominee, relevant evidence to document the person’s excellence in professional training, and may also include letters of support from the nominee’s peers, as well as opinions of current and former graduate students/interns.

    Please share broadly with colleagues and students in your programs!

  • October 22, 2020 11:28 PM | Susan Vandermorris (Administrator)

    We are pleased to announce that registration is open for the National Training Seminar Series sponsored by the Canadian Council of Professional Psychology Programs (CCPPP). Thank you for your patience as we worked through the logistics of hosting this national series

    To register, click here

    Registration priority will be given to residency/internship programs (e.g., residents, DOT, supervisors). Other interested individuals (e.g., graduate students, etc.) are also welcome to register. Seminars will be limited to 400 participants. Two weeks before the seminar, you will receive the Zoom link with log in details or a notice that registration spots have been filled. At the discretion of seminar presenters, seminars will be taped and posted for later viewing.


    Drs. Sara Hagstrom & Brad Hallam


  • September 01, 2020 9:41 AM | Deleted user

    The CCPPP is proud to share this August 2020 "beta" edition of a new national resource for students, supervisors, and training directors.

    CCPPP Guidelines for the Documentation of Professional Psychology Training Hours - Beta Version.pdf

    This resource was envisioned at the CCPPP Annual General Meeting in 2018 as a tool to clarify the appropriate categorization and documentation of various training activities, thus improving the consistency of this documentation across the country.

    The present release of this beta version of the Guidelines is timed to support the intensive activity of the 2020-21 internship application cycle. We invite members to use these guidelines in this context, and provide feedback at any time. It is our aim to use any feedback gathered this winter to revise and present an official version 1 of these guidelines to the CCPPP membership for approval at our June 2021 annual meeting.

    For further background or to provide feedback, please follow this link (member login required). If you are not a CCPPP member, and wish to provide feedback, please contact any member of our executive.

  • July 17, 2020 8:04 AM | Deleted user

    The CCPPP executive is pleased to share a template developed to help you document the impact of the virus on academic, practicum, and internship training on a student-by-student basis. Special thanks to Cathy Costigan for spearheading this effort, as well as our membership, the CPA accreditation panel and representatives from our provincial regulators for the helpful suggestions and feedback.

    Direct links to forms:

    Documentation of Impact of COVID 19 on Practicum Training.pdf

    Documentation of Impact of COVID 19 on Internship Training (Internship).pdf

    Documentation of Impact of COVID 19 on Internship Training (Academic).pdf

  • June 18, 2020 11:30 AM | Deleted user

    CCPPP Statement Against Racism and Discrimination.pdf

    CCPPP Déclaration contre le racisme et la discrimination.pdf

    See linked statement above from the CCPPP executive.  If you would like to participate in the Task Force described within, please by July 6, 2020 to indicate your interest.

    Members may also be interested and reviewing and contributing to our shared resources regarding training in diversity and inclusivity. Please see the Publications section of our News page to review our "Diversity Highlights" series.

  • June 16, 2020 12:04 PM | Deleted user

    As readers may be aware, the COVID-19 pandemic has triggered much discussion among our membership and related stakeholder groups about moving to virtual interviews for the 2020-21 season. Key benefits include include minimizing stress and financial cost to applicants. Feedback from our membership and students has indicated strong support for making virtual interviews "required" as opposed to "preferred," as a means to avoid potential equity problems that may arise if sites permit on-site visits for local candidates.

    In light of this, the CCPPP executive is strongly recommending that internship sites offer exclusively virtual interviews for the 2020/21 application cycle.

    This recommendation was disseminated to our membership by email on June 15, 2020.  Members with questions or feedback about this recommendation are encouraged to participate in the discussion board thread on this topic, or email any member of the executive directly.

  • May 08, 2020 3:32 PM | Deleted user

    From the document linked below:

    The Council of Chairs of Training Councils (CCTC) provides this guidance document for decision-makers in doctoral programs, practica and externships, internships, and postdoctoral residences to use in considering resumption of in-person psychological services and training in Health Service Psychology (HSP). The guidance includes general considerations as well as some specific recommendations. The CCTC recognizes, however, that every training program and training site is different, and that the considerations and recommendations provided in this document may not apply to all situations. Further, although the guidance provided in this document is intended to be comprehensive, it is not exhaustive. Indeed, more specific guidance is not possible due to variability in institutions, available resources, and the laws, orders, and regulations affecting each training site.

    CCTC Statement on Return to In-Person Services Training 5-8-2020.pdf

  • May 01, 2020 1:40 PM | Deleted user
    We are pleased to present the second issue of the CCPPP’s Diversity Highlights!

    Diversity highlights issue 2.pdf

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