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  • April 23, 2020 11:16 PM | Deleted user

    Thank you to all students who submitted in response to our call for COVID-19 related questions!!  Please find a summary Q and A document below. We welcome feedback and ongoing dialogue regarding these important and evolving issues!

    Student QA_ April 23.pdf

  • April 23, 2020 10:52 PM | Deleted user

    Members of the CCPPP executive have been working closely with representatives of Association of Canadian Psychology Regulatory Organizations (ACPRO) and and the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) Accreditation Panel to address the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on psychology training. A result of this work is the attached package of statements.

    Exerpt from the document:

    Attached, you will find a statement from ACPRO containing their response to licensure concerns amid the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as a statement from the CCPPP and CPA Accreditation Panel regarding their responses to accreditation- and training-related concerns. With these statements, our organizations want to communicate our commitment – to the extent possible – to minimize the disruptions that the pandemic has on students’ training, on programme operations, and ultimately on the availability of competent practitioners to meet the public need for mental health services at this time, while also maintaining the highest levels of integrity in our training, licensing, and accreditation processes. We also want to reassure our stakeholders of our commitment to maintaining an open dialogue among our organizations as this situation unfolds to ensure that we continue to be responsive to all of your needs.

    CCPPP CPA ACPRO Statements COVID-19.pdf

  • April 02, 2020 1:00 PM | Deleted user

    This document articulates the principles that the CCPPP advocates Canadian psychology training programs use in determining their responses to the training disruptions presented by the COVID-19 crisis. The principles are for both university and internship programs. They are designed to support students currently completing their internship year as well as those completing practicum placements in preparation for internship training.

    CCPPP Guiding Principles in Response to COVID-19

  • March 18, 2020 12:00 PM | Deleted user

    Drafted by Dr. Sara Hagstrom and posted to CCPPP listserv as a tool to orient students to key stakeholders in the larger professional training community.

    Stakeholder Relationships in Canadian Psychology related to professional psychology training.pdf

  • March 01, 2020 12:00 PM | Deleted user

    Please see linked documents for details of position vacancies that open during the 2020-2021 term, including Student Representative and Member at Large.

    CCPPP 2020 Student Rep Position.pdf

    Call for nominations to the CCPPP executive.pdf

  • February 01, 2020 12:00 PM | Deleted user

    We are very excited to release the e-publication of Match Made on Earth, 2nd Edition. 

    Match Made on Earth, 2nd Edition PDF

    Match Made on Earth, 2nd Edition EPUB

    It has been made available for all psychology trainees at no cost, thanks to the generous support of the CCPPP and the Match team.

    The ePub format has a number of advantages, including:

    • automatic adjustment to different e-formats (laptop, reader, ipad, phone, etc)
    • enhanced note-taking (underlining, highlighting, bookmarking)
    • enhanced navigation (live links from Table of Contents, detailed "Find" functioning)

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