Latest updates

  • June 02, 2022 12:25 PM | Diane LaChapelle (Administrator)

    Hot off the Press! Tout juste sorti de la presse!

    Includes a link to the 2022 AGM Materials.

    May/mai Executive Update/Mise à jour du conseil de direction

  • May 29, 2022 2:26 PM | Diane LaChapelle (Administrator)

    Please click here to see a copy of the Executive Update/Mise à jour du conseil de direction that was emailed to all members in April.

  • March 24, 2022 5:21 PM | Diane LaChapelle (Administrator)

    *Application Deadline Extended to May 6th!

    About CCPPP

    The CCPPP represents the various university-based psychology programs and psychology internship settings in Canada that train professional psychologists such as clinical psychologists, counselling psychologists, and clinical neuropsychologists, as well as other branches of professional psychology.

    Position Vacancies available in 2022: Student Representative and Secretary.

    Please refer to the documents below for full details:

    CCPPP 2022 Student Rep Position.pdf

    CCPPP 2022 Secretary Position.pdf

    Please direct questions or nominations to Diane LaChapelle (

  • November 05, 2021 3:32 PM | Susan Vandermorris (Administrator)

    Have you seen the CCTC Social Responsiveness Toolkit and don’t know where to start? Does the size of the toolkit intimidate you?

    Are you interested in learning more about how some of your neighbour programs are using the CCTC Social Responsiveness Toolkit?

    CCPPP Wants to help!

    Please join us for some zoom consultation drop in sessions where your CCPPP Exec will review the main points for each module as well as examples of some actionable steps your programs can make toward infusing social responsiveness into your programs. These drop ins will be hosted by both an academic and internship member.

    There are no right answers, and no standardized template that will work for all.

    This is an opportunity to share ideas, and learn from one another in a safe learning environment.

    Upcoming Sessions:

    Friday November 12 at 3pm EST - MODULE ONE, Diversifying the Pipeline - Lesley Lutes (academic) and Sara Hagstrom (internship)

    Register here

    Thursday December 16th at 2pm EST - MODULE TWO, Shared Governance - Amanda Maranzan (academic) and Sara Hagstrom (internship)

    Register here

    Stay tuned for dates for Modules 3-9

    Contact Dr. Sara Hagstrom at for more information

  • August 27, 2021 10:48 AM | Susan Vandermorris (Administrator)

    We are thrilled to share this comprehensive resource for graduate students, practicum supervisors and training directors designed to answer the age-old psychology training question, "how do I count this hour, anyway?"

    This resource was born out of a CCPPP Town Hall meeting in 2018, built on careful review of existing guidelines, extensive consultation within the Canadian training community, constructive feedback on a widely circulated beta version, and tireless work of a CCPPP task force chaired by Dr. Diane LaChapelle (

    Please download, share widely, and use!  As we've all been reminded in spades over the past 18 months or so, clinical practice and training are subject to change.  Feedback is enthusiastically welcome on this document, and annual updates are anticipated.  

    This resource is available for direct download here, and also linked on the "resources" pages of our website.

  • May 13, 2021 10:14 AM | Susan Vandermorris (Administrator)

    The CCPPP is pleased to share:

    CCTC 2020: Social Responsiveness in Health Service Psychology Education and Training Toolkit 

    CCTC Social Responsiveness Toolkit

    From the document: At the Council of Chairs of Training Councils (CCTC) 2020, At the CCTC 2020 Conference, psychology training councils worked to achieve together what a single council cannot do alone. This was essentially a call to action for the Health Service Psychology (HSP) training community. Attendees identified ways training programs can act on long-standing concerns about health-related inequities, social injustice, systemic racism, and the role of unrecognized privilege. The goal was to shift norms, structures, and practices in HSP education and training to ensure that training faculty/supervisors are competent to prepare the next generation of psychologists to be socially responsive. In the spirit of cultural humility, we fully acknowledge that this is not a definitive document, and we recognize that important voices and perspectives may not have been fully represented.

    We thank former CCPPP President, Dr. Sara Hagstrom, for her tireless service in the steering committee for this herculean effort, as well as members of the CCPPP community, executive, and Working Group Against Racism and Discrimination for their contributions to the final product.

    Stay tuned for more information in upcoming communications and our Annual General Meeting and Town Hall.

  • May 12, 2021 2:10 PM | Susan Vandermorris (Administrator)

    Given the positive feedback from students and members alike, we will continue to recommend the voluntary 2-step interview notification and booking system this coming year, as well as the regionalization of interview scheduling.

    Universal Interview Notification and Response Dates

    Friday, December 3, 2021 - Universal NOTIFICATION Date

    That is, all applicants applying at Canadian Internship Sites will be informed of their interview status on this day but no interviews will be booked until the following Monday.

    Monday, December 6, 2021 - Universal RESPONSE/BOOKING date

    This is the date applicants can begin contacting sites who have offered them interviews. Specifically, that means student can start booking their interviews with their internship sites at 11:00 am EST on Monday, December 6, 2021.

    Regional Interview Dates

    Following past precedent, sites are invited to book their interview dates according to geographic location as follows:

    West (Thunder Bay and Western Provinces) January 3-17 

    Central (Ontario, except Thunder Bay) January 10-24 

    East/Atlantic January 17-31 

    Note that this regionalization schedule was originally intended to simplify travel for applicants. Given that travel is not our most pressing issue as a community, there is opportunity to reconsider this model.  Specifically, our Central group is large, and our East/Atlantic group is small. Central members are invited to consider joining the East/Atlantic group this year.  We invite discussion of this issue on our member forums.

  • May 05, 2021 10:26 AM | Susan Vandermorris (Administrator)

    We recently shared summaries of applicant and training director feedback re the 2021 virtual interview cycle. Overall impressions were largely positive, and the majority of respondents indicated support for continuing with virtual interviews in the coming year.

    The relative success of the recent interview cycle, considered alongside the benefits of minimizing stress and financial costs to applicants, invites a standing change in practice to virtual internship interviews.  Past feedback from our membership and students has indicated strong support for making virtual interviews "required" as opposed to "preferred," as a means to avoid potential equity problems that may arise if sites permit on-site visits for local candidates.

    In light of this, the CCPPP executive is strongly recommending that internship sites offer exclusively virtual interviews for upcoming application cycles.

    Members with questions or feedback about this recommendation are encouraged to participate in the discussion (login required) board thread on this topic, or email any member of the executive directly.

  • March 29, 2021 3:47 PM | Susan Vandermorris (Administrator)

    Check out our new "Resources and Professional Development" page for practical tools and learning opportunities of relevance to our community.

    This includes archived video from our inaugural National Seminar Series.

  • March 04, 2021 2:05 PM | Susan Vandermorris (Administrator)

    In our February 2 membership-wide email communication, we invited internship applicants and training directors to complete a survey regarding their experience with this year's virtual-only feedback cycle. 

    Feedback from 111 students (of 208 registered in the match) and 32 training directors (from 47 registered programs) indicated fairly positive overall satisfaction with the virtual format.

    Please see below for detailed and informative summaries.

    CCPPP 2021 Virtual Interview Survey RESULTS trainee.pdf

    CCPPP 2021 Virtual Interview Survey RESULTS DoT.pdf

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