Latest updates

  • September 11, 2023 9:02 AM | Diane LaChapelle (Administrator)

    Attention Students Applying to Canadian Psychology Residency Programs in the Upcoming Cycle: 

    Thinking about your final list of residency program's you are applying to for your residency year?  Wishing you had a bit more information from a program to ensure the program is a good fit for your goals?  

    Register now for the inaugural CCPPP Virtual Open House for 2024/25 Residency Applicants!

    Students applying to Canadian residency programs in the upcoming cycle are encouraged to register for this free opportunity to meet with residency directors, learn about available training opportunities, and ask questions. 

    About the Virtual Open House:

    Date: Friday September 29, 2023

    Time: 12:00 EST – 2:00 EST

    Platform: Zoom.

    Format: This open house will be a “drop in” format – where interested applicants can join/depart the various breakout rooms at any point to ask questions, listen to the conversation, etc.

    RSVP deadline: September 15

    Confirmed list of participating residency programs sent to applicants: September 20

    Students/Applicants (restricted to this year’s applicants ONLY): To sign up to attend the Virtual Open House– complete this Google Form.

    Hope to see you there!

  • July 18, 2023 9:08 AM | Diane LaChapelle (Administrator)

    When More is Needed: A Collaborative Approach to Formal Remediation – CCPPP Half Day Workshop

    Sincere thanks to Drs. Niki Fitzgerald, Christine Purdon, and Marjory Phillips for a wonderfully useful presentation on creating successful remediation plans at this year's CCPPP Annual Meeting and Workshop, held during the CPA Pre-Convention, June 21, 2023. They have generously offered to post their slides for those who attended and requested a copy of slides and those who couldn't join us but are interested in learning more.

    You can find the slides here in the member's only section under member's only documents (log in required).

  • June 20, 2023 3:18 PM | Susan Vandermorris (Administrator)

    Except from the attached document introduction:

    The Canadian Council of Professional Psychology Programs (CCPPP) Training Directors’ Finances Committee would like to acknowledge the important work of the CCPPP Student Finances Committee and the numerous pre-doctoral psychology residents who responded to the Residency Finances Survey Report. In particular, the remarkable vulnerability of the qualitative responses has offered a valuable window into the challenges most residents face in coping with financial insecurity during their final year of training. This is an important issue facing the training community that demands a response.

    To this end, the linked report of the CCPPP Training Directors’ Finances Committee presents a synthesis of the relevant issues, and a toolbox of strategies to advocate for adequate financial support for residents.

    We invite all interested parties to join us at the CCPPP Annual General Meeting on June 22, 2023 in Toronto to discuss these important issues and work together as a training community for urgent change.

  • April 26, 2023 3:25 PM | Sara Hagstrom (Administrator)

    In 2021 The Council of Chairs of Training Councils (CCTC) produced a Social Responsiveness Toolkit as a resource for Education and Training.  This Toolkit was only available in English and can be accessed  within our resources section. 

    They have recently released both a French and Spanish translation of the Toolkit which can NOW be accessed within our resources section.

  • April 25, 2023 10:09 AM | Sara Hagstrom (Administrator)

    You are invited to participate in a health policy survey by the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA).  The survey is anonymous and is open to all practitioners, researchers, educators and students in psychology.  Participants will have a chance to enter their name into a draw for 1 of 10 $50 gift cards upon completion of the survey. 


    Your responses to this survey are critical to advancing psychology's voice through the CPA's  ongoing policy development and advocacy work. 


    The estimated time to complete the survey is 10 minutes.


    Please note that the survey will close on Friday, June 2, 2023 at 11:59 pm.


    Please access the survey here:


    Should you have any questions about the survey or the CPA's policy and advocacy activities, please contact us at


    Thank you for your time and participation.

    Vous êtes invité à participer à un sondage sur les politiques en matière de santé mené par la Société canadienne de psychologie (SCP). Ce sondage est confidentiel et ouvert à tous les praticiens, éducateurs, chercheurs, étudiants en psychologie. Les participants auront la possibilité d'inscrire leur nom à un tirage au sort pour gagner l'une des 10 cartes-cadeaux d'une valeur de 50 $ qui seront offertes à l'issue du sondage.


    Vos réponses à ce sondage sont essentielles pour faire entendre votre point de vue par l'intermédiaire du travail d'élaboration de politiques et de défense des intérêts que mène la SCP. 


    Le temps nécessaire pour répondre au sondage est estimé à 10 minutes.


    Veuillez noter que le sondage prend fin le vendredi 2 juin 2023 à 23 h 59.


    Veuillez accéder au sondage ici :


    Si vous avez des questions sur le sondage ou sur les activités de la SCP en matière de politiques et de représentation des intérêts, veuillez communiquer avec nous en écrivant à


    Nous vous remercions d'avoir pris le temps de répondre au sondage.

  • December 12, 2022 1:42 PM | Susan Vandermorris (Administrator)

    The Canadian Council of Professional Psychology Programs (CCPPP) Award for Excellence in Professional Training is awarded every year in which meritorious candidates are nominated. One award per year is available to a candidate from an academic setting, and one to a candidate from an internship setting.

    The objective of the awards is to acknowledge the importance of professional training in psychology by recognizing a psychologist for his/her outstanding contributions to the professional training of graduate students/interns.

    We have extended the nomination deadline to February 1. Go on holidays, and come back refreshed and enthusiastic to nominate that incredible supervisor, colleague, mentor, etc. Check out past awardees and nomination criteria at

    Nominations can be sent to: 

    Le Prix du CCPPP reconnaissant l’excellence en formation professionnelle est décerné chaque année où des candidats méritants sont proposés. Chaque année, un prix peut être attribué à un candidat provenant d’un établissement d’enseignement universitaire et à un candidat provenant d’un établissement d’internat.

    L’objectif de ces prix est de reconnaître l’importance de la formation professionnelle en psychologie en récompensant la contribution exceptionnelle d’un psychologue à la formation professionnelle des étudiants/internes.

    Nous avons prolongé la date limite de présentation des candidatures jusqu’au 1er février. Partez en vacances, et revenez revigoré et impatient de proposer la candidature d’un superviseur, d’un collègue, d’un mentor ou d’un collaborateur extraordinaire. Consultez la liste des anciens lauréats et les critères de mise en candidature sur notre site Web, à l’adresse

    Les candidatures peuvent être envoyées à : 

  • December 07, 2022 2:57 PM | Susan Vandermorris (Administrator)

    As some may be aware, the CCPPP Residency Finances Working Group surveyed trainees in Canadian residency programs in 2021-22. Ninety percent of surveyed residents responded, sharing deeply personal and impactful feedback. With gratitude to the working group and all residents, we share the report of this work below.

    CCPPP survey report_final.pdf

    The CCPPP Training Directors Finances Working Group has received this report and is working in parallel on next steps for advocacy. We invite all interested parties to join us at the CCPPP Annual General Meeting on June 22, 2023 in Toronto to discuss the findings of this report, receive the recommendations of the Training Directors Finances Working Group, and work together as a training community for urgent change.

    In the meantime, the CCPPP encourages training directors to use this report as an advocacy tool to give voice to the financial needs of residents within your organizations.

  • September 30, 2022 10:46 AM | Diane LaChapelle (Administrator)

    Hot off the Press! Tout juste sorti de la presse!

    September/septembre Executive Update/Mise à jour du conseil de direction
  • June 20, 2022 5:16 PM | Susan Vandermorris (Administrator)

    Given the positive feedback from students and members alike, we will continue to recommend the voluntary 2-step interview notification and booking system this coming year, as well as a recently re-organized distribution of interview scheduling.

    Universal Interview Notification and Response Dates

    First Friday of December: December 2, 2022 - Universal NOTIFICATION Date

    That is, all applicants applying at Canadian Internship Sites will be informed of their interview status on this day. No interviews will be booked until the following Monday.

    First Monday of December: December 5, 2022 - Universal RESPONSE/BOOKING date

    This is the date applicants can begin contacting sites who have offered them interviews. Students can start booking their interviews with their internship sites at 11:00 am EST on Monday, December 5, 2022.

    Interview Dates

    Long-serving members may recall that CCPPP has previously put forward an annual regionalization schedule to simplify travel for applicants. With a shift to virtual interviewing, the recommended schedule has been adjusted. (Please login to our discussion board thread: Hogwarts Has Sorted the Internships... for background and recommended assignments.)

  • June 15, 2022 6:54 AM | Diane LaChapelle (Administrator)

    Materials for the 2022 AGM are now posted in the members only section. Please log in to see more details on what we'll be discussing at the AGM and for reports on the activities of CCPPP working groups and liaison members!

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