• November 10, 2022 7:33 AM | Diane LaChapelle (Administrator)

    Date Posted: 10/19/2022 Closing Date: 01/02/2023, 11:59PM ET Req ID: 26543 Job Category: Faculty - Tenure Stream (continuing) Faculty/Division: University of Toronto Scarborough Department: UTSC: Department of Psychology Campus: University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) 


    The Department of Psychology at the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) invites applications for a full-time tenure stream position in the area of Clinical Psychology. The appointment will be at the rank of Assistant Professor, with an expected start date of July 1, 2023, or shortly thereafter. 

    The University of Toronto Scarborough is implementing a new Strategic Plan: Inspiring Inclusive Excellence. Consistent with the values and objectives in that plan, we especially welcome candidates who self-identify as Indigenous or those who have lived experience in Black or other racialized (persons of colour) communities. This position is part of a cohort of similar faculty searches in Anthropology, Arts, Culture & Media, Biological Sciences, Health & Society, Historical & Cultural Studies, Language Studies, Political Science, Management, and Sociology. New colleagues will have the opportunity to be connected with previous cohorts of faculty from under-represented groups, including those hired through targeted efforts in the last three years in departments spanning the Sciences, Social Sciences, and Humanities. 

    Candidates must have earned a PhD degree in Clinical Psychology from a Canadian Psychological Association (CPA), American Psychological Association (APA), or equivalent accredited clinical psychology program by the date of appointment or shortly thereafter, and conduct research in adult and/or emerging adult populations, with a demonstrated record of excellence in research and teaching. The candidate must also be eligible for registration or currently registered with the College of Psychologists of Ontario. We seek candidates whose research and teaching interests complement and enhance our existing departmental strengths. The successful candidate will be expected to conduct innovative and independent research in adult populations at the highest international level and establish an outstanding, competitive, and externally funded research program. 

    Candidates must provide evidence of excellence in research, which can be demonstrated by a strong record of scholarly accomplishment including high quality publications in top-ranked and field relevant academic journals or forthcoming publications meeting high international standards, presentations at significant conferences, the submitted research statement, awards and accolades, and strong endorsements from referees of high standing. 

    Evidence of excellence in teaching will be demonstrated by teaching accomplishments and the teaching dossier, including a teaching statement, sample course syllabi, and excellent teaching evaluations or other evidence of superior performance in teaching-related activities submitted as part of the application, as well as strong letters of reference. Other teaching-related activities can include performance as a teaching assistant or course instructor, experience leading successful workshops or seminars, student mentorship, or excellent conference presentations or posters. The successful candidate will provide evidence of readiness to undertake undergraduate and graduate research supervision and teaching. The successful candidate will be expected to perform standard professional and administrative activities typical of a research-intensive university department. 

    Candidates must also show evidence of a commitment to equity, diversity, inclusion and to the promotion of a respectful and collegial learning and working environment, as demonstrated through the application materials. 

    Equity and diversity are essential to academic excellence. We seek candidates who value diversity and whose research, teaching and service bear out our commitment to equity. Candidates must also show evidence of a commitment to equity, diversity, inclusion and to the promotion of a respectful and collegial learning and working environment, as demonstrated through the application materials. Candidates are also asked to submit a 1- to 2-page statement of contributions to equity and diversity, which might cover topics such as (but not limited to): research or teaching that incorporates a focus on underrepresented communities, the development of inclusive pedagogies, or the mentoring of students from underrepresented groups. The statement should describe how the candidate’s lived experience has influenced their understanding of and commitment to equity, diversity, inclusion (EDI), the promotion of a respectful and collegial learning and working environment, as well as examples of how it is reflected in their research or teaching. 

    Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. 

    As part of University of Toronto’s tri-campus structure, the University of Toronto Scarborough offers the opportunity to conduct research, teach, and live in one of the most diverse cities of the world. The successful candidate will be a member of the Department of Psychology at UTSC, which includes faculty members with interests in clinical, developmental, social, cognitive, and behavioral neuroscience, and a member of the UTSC Graduate Department of Psychological Clinical Science, which houses our CPA accredited MA/PhD program in clinical psychology. 

    All qualified candidates are invited to apply online by clicking the link below. Applicants must submit a cover letter; a complete and current curriculum vitae; a research statement outlining current and future research interests (including a description of their involvement in/commitment to open science); three recent or forthcoming publications; and a teaching dossier to include a statement of teaching philosophy, teaching accomplishments, sample course syllabi, and excellent course evaluations or evidence of superior performance in other teaching-related activities as listed above; as well as a 1- 2- page statement of contributions to equity and diversity as described above. Applicants who have a PhD from a program that is not accredited by the CPA or APA must demonstrate equivalency of their clinical psychology degree in the cover letter and append any supporting documents. 

    Applicants must provide the name and contact information of three references. The University of Toronto’s recruiting tool will automatically solicit and collect letters of reference from each once an application is submitted (this happens overnight). Applicants, however, remain responsible for ensuring that references submit letters (on letterhead, dated, and signed) by the closing date. 

    Submission guidelines can be found at: http://uoft.me/how-to-apply. Your CV and cover letter should be uploaded into the dedicated fields. Please combine additional application materials into one or two files in PDF/MS Word format. If you have questions about this position, please email psychchair.utsc@utoronto.ca. 

    All applications materials, including reference letters, must be received by January 2, 2023

    All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. 

    Diversity Statement The University of Toronto is strongly committed to diversity within its community and especially welcomes applications from racialized persons / persons of colour, women, Indigenous / Aboriginal People of North America, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ2S+ persons, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas. 

    As part of your application, you will be asked to complete a brief Diversity Survey. This survey is voluntary. Any information directly related to you is confidential and cannot be accessed by search committees or human resources staff. Results will be aggregated for institutional planning purposes. For more information, please see http://uoft.me/UP. 

    Accessibility Statement The University strives to be an equitable and inclusive community, and proactively seeks to increase diversity among its community members. Our values regarding equity and diversity are linked with our unwavering commitment to excellence in the pursuit of our academic mission. 

    The University is committed to the principles of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). As such, we strive to make our recruitment, assessment and selection processes as accessible as possible and provide accommodations as required for applicants with disabilities. 

    If you require any accommodations at any point during the application and hiring process, please contact uoft.careers@utoronto.ca. 

  • October 17, 2022 11:58 AM | Diane LaChapelle (Administrator)

    The Department of Psychology at Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University) is hiring three new tenure track faculty members in the following three areas:

    1. Developmental Psychology

    2. Social or Personality Psychology

    3. Clinical Neuropsychology

    Full details available here: https://hr.cf.ryerson.ca/ams/faculty/

    All three positions are at the assistant professor rank, and start on July 1, 2023.

    All applications are due by November 15, 2022

    Any questions can be directed to Martin Antony (mantony@ryerson.ca), Psychology Department Chair

  • October 17, 2022 11:57 AM | Diane LaChapelle (Administrator)

    PS8303   Systems of Psychotherapy
    An overview of theory and research related to psychotherapy and behaviour change. Includes a review of the major schools of psychotherapy, including cognitive and behavioural therapies, interpersonal psychotherapy, psychodynamic psychotherapy, experiential and humanistic psychotherapies, couples and family therapies, and group therapy. In addition, non-specific aspects of psychotherapy will be discussed, including the therapeutic relationship, client factors, and therapist factors that contribute to outcome. 1 Credit 

    If you have the appropriate background, and availability, and interest in teaching this course, it would be great if you would apply.  You can find the posting (and apply) by following these steps:

    • Go to:  https://careers.ryerson.ca

    • Click on “Contract Lecturer Opportunities” under “Faculty and Instructors”

    • If you have not worked at Ryerson in the past 2 years, click on:  “I am an external candidate” Otherwise, click on the other yellow box (“I am an internal candidate…”) and follow the instructions

    • Click “view all jobs” (top option)

    • At the top of the page, type “psychology” to search for the position and press “return”

    • Select the second last option:  Contract Lecturer – Psychology Department (PS 8303).  This is job ID 369198

    • Click on the arrow to the right to see the posting

    • If you decide to apply, click on “Apply for Job” (at the top right)

    The deadline for applications is Tuesday October 25. 
    A few things to keep in mind:

    • The course is currently scheduled to run on Wednesdays, from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon (not sure if it can be moved). First day of classes is Wednesday January 18.  Last class is Wednesday April 12.  There is no class on Wednesday February 22 (Study Week)

    • The course is being taught in person

    • I believe that there are 7 students in the class (all first year clinical PhD students).

    • We will help you with preparations as much as possible.  We can provide you with last year’s course outline, suggest recommended readings, etc. 

    • Note that shortlisted applicants will be interviewed (most likely over Zoom).

    Applications should include a single PDF including the following: a letter of application and updated curriculum vitae (plus a “currency” report if you have taught in our department before).  Though not required, I would also recommend including evidence of experience and quality with respect to teaching/training/supervision, and clinical experience relevant to the course.
    I am happy to chat over email, phone, or Zoom if you have any questions.
    Martin M. Antony, PhD, FRSC, ABPP
    -Professor and Chair, Department of Psychology, Toronto Metropolitan University (recently renamed)
    -Provincial Clinical and Training Lead, Ontario Structured Psychotherapy Program
    Department of Psychology
    Toronto Metropolitan University
    350 Victoria Street
    Toronto, ON   M5B 2K3  Canada
    Tel:  416-979-5000, ext. 552631 (after pressing "1")
    E-Mail: mantony@ryerson.ca
    http://martinantony.com | http://anxietyresearch.ca
    Instagram: mantony1000
  • September 29, 2022 9:00 AM | Diane LaChapelle (Administrator)

    English follows


    Medicalux Private Care 


    Nous offrons l'égalité d'accès à l'emploi. Selon le nombre de candidatures à ce concours, les exigences de formation et d'expérience peuvent être modifiées. Travailler pour Medicalux Private Care vous donne de la flexibilité dans votre carrière au sein de notre équipe axée sur la famille et fait une grande différence dans la vie des Néo-Brunswickois. 

    Poste : Psychologue 

    Un poste permanent (temps plein) disponible immédiatement 

    Lieu : Clinique de soins privés Medicalux à Dieppe, Nouveau-Brunswick. Les heures d'ouverture de la clinique sont principalement de 8 h 30 à 16 h 30 M-F, mais des quarts de soir et de fin de semaine peuvent également devenir disponibles pour les membres du personnel intéressés à travailler en dehors de ces heures. 

    Les responsabilités primaires 

    • Évaluer les clients pour déterminer l'admissibilité, le besoin de service, la nature du problème et les recommandations de programmes personnalisés pour les individus et les groupes. 
    • Élaborer et mettre en œuvre un plan de traitement individualisé dans le but d'améliorer le fonctionnement psychologique et physique. 
    • Diriger des séances de thérapie individuelles avec des patients dans le cadre de programme de traitement et fournir un soutien continu tout au long de l'expérience client. 
    • Coordonner les soins et les communications entre les clients, les fournisseurs de soins de santé mentale (thérapeutes, psychologues, psychiatres, médecins de soins primaires) et l'équipe de soins de santé. 
    • Participer aux initiatives de recherche et à l'éducation des clients, des étudiants, du personnel et de la communauté par le biais d'un développement professionnel continu. 
    • Préparation, administration et interprétation de tests psychologiques. 
    • Entretenir des relations interpersonnelles saines avec les clients, les familles, les collègues, les partenaires et le public. 
    • Suivre les politiques et procédures appropriées de Medicalux Private Care. 
    • Tenir à jour les dossiers cliniques et la documentation. 
    • Intervention de crise, évaluation psychologique, intervention (counseling/thérapie). 
    • Accomplit toutes autres tâches connexes assignées à ses superviseurs. 


                 Conditions : 

    • Les candidats doivent détenir une maîtrise ou un doctorat en psychologie, avoir suivi des cours et être membres réguliers du Collège des psychologues du Nouveau-Brunswick. 
    • Les candidats qui n'ont pas encore terminé leur maîtrise ou leur doctorat mais qui sont en mesure de fournir un superviseur seront considérés pour le poste. 
    • Un travailleur social titulaire d'une maîtrise sera considéré pour le poste. 


    Enseignement et Recherche 

    En tant qu'employé de Medicalux Private Care, vous devrez vous engager dans des activités d'enseignement et de recherche liées à votre rôle en plus de vos tâches cliniques. 


    Qualifications préférées 

    • Soutien démontré des activités professionnelles avec un accent sur la population adulte comme indiqué par l'adhésion et le soutien d'une organisation professionnelle telle qu'une nomination universitaire. 
    • Une expérience / compétence connexe avec des populations mal desservies telles que les jeunes en âge de transition ou la gestion comportementale serait un atout. 
    • Expérience de travail avec des cadres d'amélioration de la qualité. 
    • Connaissance de la santé et de la sécurité psychologiques en milieu de travail. 
    • Capacité de recherche indiquée par les publications pertinentes dans le domaine d'intérêt. 
    • Approche/formation en soins tenant compte des traumatismes. 
    • Connaissance pratique et formation démontrée sur le modèle de thérapie cognitivo-comportementale (TCC) 
    • Compétence écrite et orale en anglais et en français serait un atout (*le bilinguisme n'est pas essentiel) 


    Attributs clés 

    • Approche de soins centrée sur le client 
    • Capacité d'écoute et d'observation irréprochable 
    • Solide compétence interpersonnelle et de résolution de conflits 
    • Expérience de l'adversité et engagement actif envers la croissance personnelle 
    • Une expérience de la gestion des flux de clients et du travail dans un environnement d'équipe collaborative et multidisciplinaire est un atout. 
    • Confiance face aux expériences non ordinaires 
    • Travaille bien de manière autonome et est orienté vers les solutions 



    Le salaire sera fourni sur demande et correspond généralement au salaire concurrentiel. 


    IMPORTANT : Les candidats intéressés doivent envoyer leur curriculum vitae. Seules les personnes sélectionnées pour une entrevue seront contactées. 


    Medicalux Private Care 

    760 Champlain Street, Dieppe New-Brunswick E1A 1M9 

    Email: info@medicalux.ca 



    Medicalux Private Care 

    We offer equal access to employment. Depending on the number of applications for this competition, the training and experience requirements may be modified. Working for Medicalux Private Care gives you flexibility in your career in our family oriented team and make a big difference in the lives of New-Brunswickers.  

    Position: Psychologist  

    One Permanent position (Full time) immediately available  

    Location: Medicalux Private Care Clinic in Dieppe, New-Brunswick. Clinic hours are primarily 8:30-4:30 M-F, however evening and weekend shifts may also become available for those staff members interested in working outside these hours. 

    Primary Responsibilities 

    • Assess clients to determine eligibility, need for service, the nature of the problem, and personalized program recommendations for individuals and groups. 

    • Develop and implement an individualized treatment plan with the goal of improving psychological and physical functioning.  

    •Lead individual therapy sessions with patients within the context of treatment programs and provide ongoing support throughout the client experience. 

    • Coordinate care and communications among clients, mental healthcare providers (therapists, psychologist, psychiatrist, primary care physicians), and the healthcare team. 

    • Participate in research initiatives and the education of clients, students, staff and the community through ongoing professional development.  

    • Preparing for, administering, and interpreting psychological tests. 

    • Maintain healthy interpersonal relationships with clients, families, colleagues, partners, and the public. 

    • Follow the appropriate policies and procedures of Medicalux Private Care. 

    • Maintaining clinical records and documentation. 

    • Crisis intervention, psychological assessment, intervention (counselling/therapy).  

    • Performs all other related duties assigned to his/her supervisors.  



    • Candidates must hold a master's or doctoral degree in psychology, have completed coursework and be regular members of the College of Psychologists of New Brunswick.  
    • Candidates who have not yet completed their masters or doctorate degree but are able to provide a supervisor will be considered for the position. 
    • Social worker with Masters degree will be considered for the position. 

      Teaching and Research 
    • As an employee of Medicalux Private Care, you will be expected to engage in role related teaching and research activities in addition to any of your clinical duties. 


     Preferred Qualifications 

    • Demonstrated support of professional activities with a focus on the adult population as indicated by membership in and support of professional organization such as an academic appointment. 
    • Related experience/competency with underserved populations such as transitional age youth or behavioral management would be an asset. 
    • Experience working with quality improvement frameworks. 
    • Knowledge of psychological health and safety in the workplace. 
    • Research capability as indicated by relevant publications in the area of focus. 
    • Trauma-informed care approach/training. 
    • Working knowledge of and demonstrated training in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) model 
    • Written and spoken competence in English and French would be an asset (*bilingualism is not essential) 

    Key Attributes 

    • Client-centered approach to care 
    • Impeccable listening and observational skill 
    • Strong interpersonal and conflict resolution skills 
    • Experience with adversity and an active commitment to personal growth 
    • Experience managing client flow and working in a collaborative, multidisciplinary team environment is a plus. 
    • Confidence navigating non-ordinary experiences 
    • Works well independently and is solutions-oriented 



    The salary will be provided on request and usually meets the competitive salary. 


    IMPORTANT: Interested candidates should please send their resume. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.  


    Medicalux Private Care 

    760 Champlain Street, Dieppe New-Brunswick E1A 1M9 

    Email: info@medicalux.ca

  • September 26, 2022 2:35 PM | Diane LaChapelle (Administrator)

    Horizon Health Network is recruiting for a Psychologist for Addictions and Mental Health Services in the Moncton area.

    Horizon Health Network is the largest health network in Atlantic Canada and is the second largest employer in New Brunswick with over 13,000 staff and 1000 physicians in over 100 facilities, clinics and offices. To learn more about Horizon and our facilities
    Brunswick visit:

    This is a Permanent Part-Time position with daytime shifts. The salary range for this position is $44.4111 to $52.4788 per hour. Horizon Health Network is offering a $10,000 Recruitment Incentive for this position and Relocation Assistance.

    Travel within the Moncton area as well as to rural communities including Salisbury, Petitcodiac and Hillsborough is a requirement of this position. Travel will occur during operational hours, unless deemed necessary. Monthly travel expenses are to be submitted in a claim and will be covered by Horizon.

    • A Masters degree in Clinical Psychology with three years of supervised experience or a PhD in Psychology with year of supervised experience.
    • Must be licensed as a Psychologist under the New Brunswick College of Psychologists Act.
    • Ability to attend work on a regular basis.
    • Ability to perform the duties of the position.
    • Good work record.
    • Written and spoken competence in English is required

    The Psychologist – Addictions and Mental Health is responsible for:
    • Preparing for, administering and interpreting psychological tests
    • Assessing clients and developing and implementing treatment plans
    • Developing and facilitating therapeutic interventions for individuals and groups
    • Providing emergency/crises intervention/stabilization services
    • Participating in interdisciplinary care planning
    • Maintaining clinical records and documentation
    • Building relationships with critical stakeholders in government and the community
    • Supervising and overseeing the work of psychometrists or psychology assistants
    Addictions and Mental Health Services - Child and Youth team are hard-working and are looking forward to having a psychologist join them. Their goal is to strengthen the collaboration and support that they provide to children, youth, families, schools and communities.

    Applications may be sent to Derek Schriver, Talent Acquisition Specialist: Derek.Schriver2@HorizonNB.ca

  • September 25, 2022 4:33 PM | Diane LaChapelle (Administrator)

    Position Title / Rank: Assistant Professor in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (Clinical Training Focus)

    College: College of Social & Applied Human Sciences Department: Psychology

    Date Posted: September 5, 2022

    Deadline: October 14, 2022 or until a suitable candidate is found

    Please reference AD #22-64

    Position Description: The Department of Psychology at the University of Guelph invites applications from exceptional candidates for a tenure-track position in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (CCAP) at the Assistant Professor level. The distribution of effort for this position is expected to be 70% Teaching (including Clinical Supervision), 10% Research, and 20% Service. The CCAP area administers a highly competitive Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) accredited clinical training program. This faculty member will be expected to provide clinical supervision to graduate students, teach one or more graduate level courses, contribute service to the graduate program, and support clinical research.

    This position is based in our new on-campus clinic, Maplewoods Centre for Family Therapy and Child Psychology. Maplewoods Centre is an innovative interdisciplinary clinical training centre which is also home to the Couple and Family Therapy program. CCAP students complete practica at Maplewoods Centre throughout their clinical training. Core practicum experiences include intake, conducting integrated psychological assessments (including cognitive, academic, and socio-emotional functioning), and providing evidence-based intervention and consultation for children and adolescents. The successful applicant will demonstrate a passion for clinical teaching and supervision in all aspects of our training program. Preference will be given to candidates with recent experience supervising integrated psychological assessments and broad training in intervention modalities.

    Strong consideration will be given to applicants who show strengths in innovative, equity-informed, and engaging teaching pedagogies and clinical supervision practices. The successful candidate will contribute to service activities within the CCAP program and Department of Psychology and contribute to ongoing and collaborative clinical research in the Department of Psychology.

    Qualified applicants must have completed a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from a CPA- or APA-accredited program or equivalent. The successful candidate will be registered for autonomous practice in Clinical Psychology with the College of Psychologists of Ontario, including authorization to practice with Children and Adolescents (or be eligible for such registration through the Mutual Recognition Agreement). The ideal candidate will have previous experience providing clinical supervision to psychology practicum students or interns. We seek candidates who have recent experience conducting and supervising integrated psychological assessments (including assessments for ASD and other neurodevelopmental disorders) and intervention with children and adolescents (including use of a variety of evidence-based modalities to address a broad range of presenting issues). The successful applicant will demonstrate a commitment to and track record of promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion in an educational or work environment through the lens of lived experience and/or cultural humility and allyship.

    The Department of Psychology is also a collegial, inclusive, and welcoming environment that values diversity, and wellness among our members as key ingredients in our collective success. Both the Department and the CCAP clinical training area maintain standing committees focused on equity, diversity, and inclusion. Further information is available on the Psychology Department's EDI statement, and the CCAP Diversity Committee’s values and current action plan.

    This is an exciting time of growth for our Psychology Department. We are conducting searches for five positions in the Industrial-Organizational, Applied Social, Clinical, and Neuroscience and Applied Cognitive Science areas. As such, the successful candidate will join the department together with a cohort of enthusiastic and well-supported early career scholars. Our wider department reflects a collegial and welcoming academic community that aims to support a diverse range of people and perspectives in an inclusive work environment.

    The University of Guelph is the third largest employer in Guelph, a city of approximately 130,000 people, located about an hour drive west of Toronto, Ontario. University of Guelph is a top-ranked comprehensive university in Canada with an enrolment of over 30,000 undergraduate and graduate students across over 40 academic units. The University is known for its commitment to student learning, innovative research, and collaboration with world-class partners. It is a unique place, with transformative research and teaching and a distinctive campus culture. People who learn and work here are shaped and inspired by a shared purpose: To Improve Life. Reflecting that shared purpose in every experience connected to our university positions us to create positive change, here and around the world. Our university community shares a profound sense of social responsibility, a drive for international development, and an obligation to address global issues.

    Application Process

    Interested candidates should outline their experience, skills, and fit with our program and position requirements within the areas of teaching and clinical supervision, research, and service, via the application components listed below. Candidates should be sure to highlight the ways in which their knowledge, skills, experience, and contributions align with the outlined position needs. Please send the following documents collated within a single PDF file:

    • a cover letter including a statement of clinical experiences and supervision philosophy

    • a curriculum vitae

    • a teaching statement related to training and supervision of clinical psychology graduate students including syllabi from any previous graduate and/or undergraduate courses taught

    • a statement of contribution to Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Indigenization describing present and future aspirations to promoting EDI-I, conveying how these types of commitments might continue at the University of Guelph

    • names and contact information for three potential references who will be contacted for reference letters if the applicant is offered an interview

    Review of applications will begin on Friday, October 14, 2022 and will continue until the position is filled.

    Applications should be sent to the attention of:

    Ian R Newby-Clark Professor & Chair Department of Psychology University of Guelph Guelph, ON N1G 2W1 Email: inewby@uoguelph.ca

    All qualified individuals are encouraged to apply, particularly those from groups that have been traditionally underrepresented in employment, including scholars who are Black, Indigenous, visible minorities, disabled, LGBTQ*, and women.

    All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

    The University recognizes that applicants may have had obligations outside of work that have negatively impacted their record of achievements (e.g., parental, elder care, and/or medical). You are not required to disclose these obligations in the hiring process. If you choose to do so, the University will ensure that these obligations do not negatively impact the assessment of your qualifications for the position.

    The University of Guelph resides on the ancestral lands of the Attawandaron people and the treaty lands and territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit and we offer our respect to our Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee and Métis neighbours as we strive to strengthen our relationships with them. A

    t the University of Guelph, fostering a culture of inclusion is an institutional imperative. The University invites and encourages applications from all qualified individuals, including from groups that are traditionally underrepresented in employment, who may contribute to further diversification of our Institution.

    If you require a medical accommodation during the recruitment or selection process, please contact Occupational Health and Wellness at 519-824-4120 x52674.

  • September 01, 2022 6:58 PM | Diane LaChapelle (Administrator)

    Affiliated with the Dean of Students’ Health & Wellness Services at the University of Alberta, Counselling & Clinical Services (CCS) invites applications for the continuing position of Registered Psychologist. Reporting to the Director of CCS, the Registered Psychologist is accountable for the provision of individual and group psychotherapy to a diverse post-secondary population. The candidate will be comfortable operating within a short-term therapy framework and working with a wide range of mental health challenges and with a great diversity of client identities. The Psychologist provides clinical supervision to Doctoral psychology residents and Master’s practicum students. They contribute some outreach/consultation services to the broader university community. This position works within an interdisciplinary team environment composed of psychologists, psychiatrists, nurses, Doctoral Residents and Masters Practicum students, social workers, and administrative support staff. Some early evening work is involved.


    Our first preference is a candidate with a PhD who is five years post registration, or is close to five years if they otherwise meet the criteria. Regardless, we strongly encourage BIPOC persons, and others from any equity seeking group(s), to apply.


    For more information, visit: https://www.careers.ualberta.ca/Competition/A114848105/

  • August 28, 2022 10:38 AM | Diane LaChapelle (Administrator)


    Neuropsychology - Children's Hospital

    The Psychologist is responsible for providing a neuropsychological assessments to outpatients referred from Neurology, Neurosurgery, and General Metabolics in our Children's Hospital.  Part of these assessments include 1 day per week dedicated to supporting the Paediatric Epilepsy Program through pre-surgical neuropsychological asssessments. The Psychologist will also have 1 day per week available to support research projects. 

    The Psychologist would also be resident supervisor in the London Clinical Psychology Residency Consortium in the Neuropsychology Track.  It is also expected that the successful candidate for the position would apply for faculty positions in the Department of Paediatrics in the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry at Western University, the Department of Psychology at Western University, and at the Lawson Health Research Institute.

    Psychologists within LHSC demonstrate the scientist-practitoner model of service in their work.  As a part of one of Canada's leading academic health sciences centre, our psychologists work with our patients and families, our clinical teams, and our academic partners to advance both care and knowledge in health care.

    Regular Full-Time

    Rate of Pay:              $54.36 per hour - $67.95 per hour

    Hours of Work:          37.5 hours per week


    • Doctoral degree in Psychology
    • Registration (or eligibility for registration) with the College of Psychologists of Ontario
    • Minimum two (2) years of recent relevant experience 
    • Authorized (or eligibility to be authorized) to practise Clinical Neuropsychology
    • Authorized (or eligibility to be authorized) to practise with Children and Adolescents
    • Demonstrated advanced knowledge of relevant legislation (e.g., Mental Health Act, PHIPA, HCCA)
    • Demonstrated commitment to evidence-based practice
    • Demonstrated practice and commitment to the scientist-practioner model of Psychology
    • Demonstrated ability in working with interprofessional health care teams
    • Demonstrated flexibility and a commitment to working within an academic environment
    • Demonstrated practice and commitment to the principles of patient and family centered care
    • Demonstrated practice and commitment to LHSC’s Vision, Mission, and Values


    We are committed to providing a safe, healthy and inclusive work environment that inspires respect.  LHSC is committed to employment equity and diversity in the workplace and welcomes applications from women, visible minorities, Indigenous people, persons with disabilities, and LGBTQ2+ persons. We are committed to providing persons with disabilities equal opportunities and standards of goods and services, and are also fully compliant with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (2005), as applicable.

    As part of the assessment process applicants may be required to complete a written examination or test. Please be advised that an internal reference check may be conducted as part of the selection process.

    Thank you for your interest in this opportunity. Only those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted.

  • July 27, 2022 12:14 PM | Susan Vandermorris (Administrator)

    Southdown  https://southdown.on.ca/


    The Southdown Institute is a recognized industry leader in the provision of integrated mental health services. We are dedicated to clinical and organizational excellence in providing preventative and restorative care, using the best of psychological science and practice integrated with the wisdom of the Catholic spiritual tradition. Our highly experienced multidisciplinary team is dedicated to helping our clients find healing and well-being. Southdown is located in Holland Landing (York Region), and is accessible from the GTA or Simcoe County. Our award-winning fully accessible facility is located in a setting of natural beauty on 37 private acres. Southdown provides a welcoming and supportive environment conducive to healing and well-being of body, mind, and spirit.

    Position Summary: We are seeking to fill a full-time permanent position of Clinical Psychologist and Director of Training to oversee a graduate psychology practicum program, establish and lead a psychology internship program, and provide clinical and candidate psychological assessments. This position includes a comprehensive benefits package and pension plan.

    Southdown offers comprehensive clinical and vocational/candidate assessments, a 14-week Residential Program with Continuing Care, outpatient psychological services, consultation and education. The client population typically consists of persons experiencing such issues as mood disorders, depression, anxiety, interpersonal conflicts, as well as a range of addictions (chemical and process). The Clinical Psychologist and Director of Training position is split equally between the administrative tasks of the Director of Training and clinical tasks. The psychologist will provide assessments using standardized psychological measures and findings incorporated from the multi-disciplinary team of clinicians. The holistic treatment model at Southdown requires close interaction with the other members of the clinical team who provide addiction counselling, spiritual direction, nursing, psychiatry, dietary and fitness instruction.

    Southdown has a proud history of training graduate students and early-career professionals in clinical psychology. The initial task of the Training Director will be to develop and formalize a one-year Internship/Residency in Clinical Psychology. This will include preparation of a self-study application designed to meet the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) Accreditation Standards for Internships in Professional Psychology. The Training Director will also assume administrative leadership for psychology practicum placements, and participate in clinical supervision of psychology trainees and other unlicensed clinical staff if needed.


    The ideal candidate is an experienced and senior professional who has had prior and substantive experience in the provision of training. He/she will be advised by a training committee of other psychologists who are themselves significantly involved in the internship program. Individuals with experience successfully leading an internship program through the initial CPA accreditation or re-accreditation process will be given special consideration. The successful candidate must have a PhD

    in clinical psychology and be registered with the Ontario College of Psychologists for autonomous practice. The successful candidate must demonstrate the ability to produce detailed, high-quality, assessment and treatment reports and clinical documentation, and must be able to work independently and use critical thinking skills. Individuals with experience in individual and group therapy, (CBT, DBT, short-term dynamic therapy), comprehensive psychological assessments, and the treatment of mood disorders and personality disorders will be given special consideration. Computer literacy is essential for purposes of electronic charting, particularly the ability to use Microsoft Office. Bilingualism (English/French) is an asset.

    Application Process:

    To apply for this position, please email or mail your resume and any supporting materials to:

    Email: cdodgson@southdown.on.ca

    Mail: Christine Dodgson

    Human Resources

    The Southdown Institute

    18798 Old Yonge Street

    Holland Landing, ON L9N 0L1

    We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those applicants

    selected for interviews will be contacted.

    Southdown values the health and safety of its employees and is committed to the prevention of COVID-19. Southdown has implemented a mandatory vaccination policy that requires all staff to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Applicants being considered for employment will be required to provide proof of vaccination documentation confidentially to Human Resources upon hire. Any medical or human rights exemption requests will be reviewed and validated prior to an offer of employment.

    We are committed to equity, value diversity, and welcome applicants from diverse backgrounds and faiths.

  • July 26, 2022 5:04 PM | Diane LaChapelle (Administrator)

    Division of Prevention & Rehabilitation
    University of Ottawa Heart Institute

    The University of Ottawa Heart Institute is Canada's largest and foremost cardiovascular health centre dedicated to understanding, treating and preventing heart disease. Investigators in the Division of Prevention & Rehabilitation have a unique array of initiatives and programmes with a particular emphasis on innovative approaches to prevention (primary and secondary) and treatment of cardiovascular disease.

    This fellowship offers the opportunity to gain and contribute knowledge to the area of cardiac psychology. This postdoctoral fellowship is ideally suited to those who wish to pursue a career as a Scientist or Clinician-Scientist (e.g., Experimental, Counseling or Clinical Psychology, Nursing, Health Sciences, Education). For Clinical Psychology applicants, supervision for licensure with the College of Psychologists of Ontario is available in the following competency areas: Clinical, Health and Rehabilitation. Current research projects include: 1) Cardiac Couples – research investigating the impact of couple relationships on the physical and mental health of cardiac couples, including an evaluation of the Healing Hearts Together intervention; 2) Psychological profile and intervention needs of patients with Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (SCAD); 3) Couple and family relationships among young women with heart disease; 4) Mental health and remote services for heart failure and transplant patients; and, 5) Various projects in behavioural medicine and mental health (e.g., exercise and quality of life among patients with atrial fibrillation). It is expected that the successful candidate will assume responsibility for the preparation and publication of manuscripts as well as assist in the submission of research grant applications. Opportunities to collaborate with highly respected clinicians and scientists at the local, national and international level are also available. The fellow may obtain additional support from our Research Services Department and Cardiovascular Methods Centre. Potential clinical activities include: 1) providing psychological assessment and treatment to patients attending various clinics at UOHI such as cardiac rehabilitation, heart failure, heart transplant, electrophysiology, and adult congenital; 2) providing psychological interventions as part of the research studies; and, 3) training and consulting with UOHI staff regarding psychological issues to enhance patient care. Supervision of clinical and/or research trainees may be possible. The fellow will have the opportunity to participate in training and educational activities (e.g., grand and prevention & rehabilitation rounds, clinical trials, seminars on psychology professional practice). Clinical Psychology fellows will be a member of the Psychology Department at The Ottawa Hospital.

    The position is a one-year fellowship that may be renewed contingent on funding. The stipend is commensurate with experience (range $45 000 - $60 000 CAD per year), and includes 2 weeks paid holidays and paid statutory holidays and benefits.

    The successful candidate will possess:
    • Previous research experience within a team environment
    • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
    • A strong understanding of clinical research design, research methodology and data analysis
    • Previous experience analyzing datasets, including quantitative and qualitative data
    • Evidence of experience in preparation and publication of manuscripts; strong technical writing skills
    • Excellent computer skills (Microsoft Office, EndNote, SPSS)
    • Ability to take guided initiative and to work in an organized fashion within a fast-paced environment, including flexibility in shifting between independent and collaborative work
    • Demonstrated collegiality, professionalism and interpersonal skills
    • Previous experience in health psychology an asset
    • Clinical Psychology candidates also require: A Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from a CPA or APA accredited program
    and a completed internship from a CPA or APA accredited program

    Accommodations will be provided in all parts of the hiring process relating to any specialty requirements. Applicants should make their needs known in advance. The clinical postdoctoral fellowship complies with APPIC criteria.
    The successful candidate will be required, prior to the start of employment, to complete mandatory organizational training available online, provide a satisfactory Criminal Record Check and provide an official piece of photo identification.

    For further information, please contact Dr. Heather Tulloch (hetulloch@ottawaheart.ca). Please send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and names & contact information of three referees to Dr. Tulloch. Start date is negotiable.

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